Sep 24, 2021

How to Get the Best from Supplier Audits

A webinar for clinical trial sponsors and service providers

Hear expert advice and innovative solutions from a panel of experienced auditors and learn how to avoid problems and delays in vendor qualification assessments.

The due diligence and selection process of service providers may seem daunting to vendor and quality management teams, especially with the coordination of a wide array of specialty vendors and all the contracts that go with them while operating under Good Clinical Practices (GCP).

Any one vendor can introduce risk to the entire study, its patients, or results. Today’s sponsor must have a philosophy as well as clear procedures to develop and implement a risk-based approach to vendor GCP qualification and auditing.

Join us for a roundtable discussion where a panel of experienced auditors share their expert advice and innovative solutions that avoid problems and help both clinical trial Sponsors and Vendors to manage and prepare for vendor qualification assessments.

Accelerate the startup of your next clinical trial with innovations in the vendor qualification process to minimize critical findings, delays and the resources required by your organization.

Who this webinar is for

This webinar will benefit VPs, Directors and Managers in clinical trial sponsors and CROs responsible for:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Clinical Operations
  • Vendor/Outsourcing Management
  • Compliance/Regulatory Management
  • Directors/Heads of Innovation

It will also hold useful insights for Contracts, QA and Compliance staff at clinical trials service and technology providers!

Download the recording and slides below

How to Get the Best from Supplier Audits

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Stephen Gilbride

President of SG Research International (SGRI)

Cristin MacDonald

Mary Mackney

QA Consultant, Pharma QA

Chris Otto

Joseph Schenk

CEO at Quality Bridge

Chris Otto

Jennifer Sessions

Senior Director, Diligent Pharma